Accelerator Programs: The Good, The Challenging and Would You Do It All Over Again?
Accelerator Programs: The Good, The Challenging and Would You Do It All Over Again?
2 - 3:30pm

Have you ever wondered what it’s reallllly like going through an accelerator program? Are you considering joining one?

Come hear from an awesome panel of Founders who graduated from these accelerator programs: Y Combinator, 500 Startups, TechStars, Boomtown and Mergelane!

They will answer questions such as:

How did you get into your program?Were you pressured into making decisions that you weren’t confident about making?What is the greatest thing you learned from your mentors? What was the most challenging aspect of the program?How much equity did you have to give up? Was it worth it…?

And most of all, ‘If you had the choice, would you do it all over again?’

Join us and learn from a variety of Founders what their different Accelerator Program experiences!


  • Mat Vogels CEO of Zestful | Y Combinator
  • Niki Kourbourlis CEO of Bold Betties | Boomtown Accelerator
  • John Paasonen CEO of Maxwell | Techstars
  • Jessie Dixon COO of Havenly | Mergelane
  • Kevin Krauth CEO of Orderly Health | 500 Startups & Techstars

Moderator: Ashlee Cloud Founder of Billy Eleanor

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