"Making It" in Colorado
Meier Skis
"Making It" in Colorado
2 - 3:30pm

The primary focus will be on how to start a Colorado based company and see it through to a national success story while staying true to the original impetus of producing a craft product locally rather than outsourcing.

Hear experiences from 4-5 companies who have literally "Made It" in Colorado. How they avoided outsourcing - the challenges that may have posed and the benefits they have reaped as a result of keeping it close to home.

  • Ted Eynon – Owner - Meier Skis – Moderator
  • Will Montague – Guerrilla Gravity - Panelist
  • Lanny Goldwasser – Founder - Phunkshun Wear - Panelist
  • Leo Yuffa – Founder - Dazbog Coffee - Panelist
  • Ben Parsons - Infinite Monkey Theorem - Panelist
Map and Directions